Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A rough couple of weeks.....

So its been a rough couple of weeks (3-4, I lost count). It started with a work trip at the end of July early August. I got an email from David before I left and then I hadn't been able to catch him since. At first it was okay, I re-assured myself that everything was okay and he is just busy (he is working ya know and all of his soldiers are not in the same area-which makes me nervous on another level, thinking about him having to climb into a helo or even worse getting into a humvee and travel to where ever they are. Ugh gives me the chills just thinking about it). And listening to the news was not the best thing for me to do either.
Now my mind was going a million miles a minute and I even went as far as to think that I had done something-which is crazy and my friend Rachel yelled at me for. I still sent my emails and letters out to him.
So scan forward to this past weekend, I get a lovely email from my sweetie apologizing for not emailing sooner (I did tell him there was no reason to be sorry). The internet has not been reliable lately and since that is the easiest and cheapest way to communicate it makes it hard. We did get to chat for over an hour yesterday afternoon (he was just getting back from "chow"). It really is amazing what a simple email and conversation will do for one's mood. It was worth the lack of sleep. And from what he was saying yesterday it sounds like they may be coming home earlier than expected. At first it was some time in October and then he told me it got pushed back 2-4wks, which would have put them back sometime around Thanksgiving-hopefully, the 'rents have invited him to dinner-an Army soldier in a Marine house...could be interesting, I don't think there will be any left overs, my mom is talking about inviting the Marines from the 8th & I barracks over again. Those boys can put away some food.
I also started school last week. So far so good, of course there really hasn't been any tests yet.
And next weekend I am heading up to Boston to see my friend Candace and her boyfriend Matt. She moved up there to go to grad school at Boston College. I have never been to Boston so I am really looking forward to it.

I hope everyone has a nice Labor Day weekend!! Stay safe :)

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