Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Last weekend..

So my dad and I headed down to Quantico to go to the MCX (Marine Corps Exchange) and to the USMC Museum. I wanted to get a camelback for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer that I am doing next May and I was shocked at the prices that they were charging out in town. Oh how I miss the exchange. I got a camelback that was originally $150+ for about half and there is no sales tax, super excited. I wanted to get it now so when my long training walks come up I can get used to it.
After we were done shopping we headed over the museum. I love that museum. I took over 150+ pictures and am still trying to figure out my camera, once I do I will load some up here and on facebook too. It was all done so nicely, def got a lump in my throat as I was walking through it. One of my favorite parts was getting to "land on Iwo Jima" They have a "ride" that will take you through what the Marines went through and saw. Its actual footage from the ships.
You can also go eat at Tun Tavern (where the Marine Corps was founded) or go through the mess hall. If you ever get a chance take it. I could spend many more hours there.

A rough couple of weeks.....

So its been a rough couple of weeks (3-4, I lost count). It started with a work trip at the end of July early August. I got an email from David before I left and then I hadn't been able to catch him since. At first it was okay, I re-assured myself that everything was okay and he is just busy (he is working ya know and all of his soldiers are not in the same area-which makes me nervous on another level, thinking about him having to climb into a helo or even worse getting into a humvee and travel to where ever they are. Ugh gives me the chills just thinking about it). And listening to the news was not the best thing for me to do either.
Now my mind was going a million miles a minute and I even went as far as to think that I had done something-which is crazy and my friend Rachel yelled at me for. I still sent my emails and letters out to him.
So scan forward to this past weekend, I get a lovely email from my sweetie apologizing for not emailing sooner (I did tell him there was no reason to be sorry). The internet has not been reliable lately and since that is the easiest and cheapest way to communicate it makes it hard. We did get to chat for over an hour yesterday afternoon (he was just getting back from "chow"). It really is amazing what a simple email and conversation will do for one's mood. It was worth the lack of sleep. And from what he was saying yesterday it sounds like they may be coming home earlier than expected. At first it was some time in October and then he told me it got pushed back 2-4wks, which would have put them back sometime around Thanksgiving-hopefully, the 'rents have invited him to dinner-an Army soldier in a Marine house...could be interesting, I don't think there will be any left overs, my mom is talking about inviting the Marines from the 8th & I barracks over again. Those boys can put away some food.
I also started school last week. So far so good, of course there really hasn't been any tests yet.
And next weekend I am heading up to Boston to see my friend Candace and her boyfriend Matt. She moved up there to go to grad school at Boston College. I have never been to Boston so I am really looking forward to it.

I hope everyone has a nice Labor Day weekend!! Stay safe :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So I got my training plan for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. I am a little nervous, it is quite daunting. 24 weeks, 7 days a week. Now that I have had a couple of days to digest everything I think it will work out okay. There are 3 days a week where I will be doing cross training (yoga, swimming, cycling, etc) to break up the walking and then one day to recoup (just a 15 min walk). I think as long as I stick to the plan I will do just great. I should be in really good shape once this is done (at least I am hoping that is the case). I am currently researching different diets. I know I am going to need to increase my protein and cut back on sweets. But I need to figure out what to do about the carbs-I would think I would need some. I always hear about runners doing a spaghetti dinner before their races (we used to do this before swim meets as well). Anyone have any suggestions? Any help would be much appreciated.
Here is the link to show what I am going to be doing for the next 6mos or so. (I have decided to start within the next week or so to try and get a head start on things, I need all the training I can get).

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Executive Decision......

So I have been trying to get into better shape, that was my goal for this year. I joined a gym (it helps that it is minutes from my house). And have been thinking about signing up for a 5k. Well my friend Kelly (we were neighbors w/her parents and she taught me how to drive-poor thing) asked me if I wanted to do the Avon Walk (40miles for breast cancer) next May up in Boston. After a couple of days of thinking..can I really do this? Do I want to do this? I have decided to bite the bullet and go for it. I am really excited yet extremely nervous at the same time. I mean the first day is literally a marathon (26.3 miles). Right now I am walking between 3-3.5 miles an hr, I figure if I can work up to at least 4miles an hr I could finish day 1 in about 7hrs-assuming I can keep the pace up. We will be doing 5ks and 10ks periodically throughout the next 7mos. I am hoping I will be able to do the Marine Corps 10k which is on 10/31 this year (I don't think I will be ready to do the Army 10 miler this year but I am shooting for next year and who knows maybe I will walk to the Marine Corps Marathon next year :)).
So not only will I be working nights, going to school on Mondays and Thursday, waiting anxiously for David to come home (hopefully in November) I will be adding training for a 40mile walk. I think I need to go get my head examined what do you think :)

Please light a candle, say a prayer, etc for me. I am determined to do this. This will be happening 5/14-5/15/2011....right around the same time I will be finishing up my Associates Degree (will probably miss my graduation ceremony-but I am okay with it, I will have another once I am done with my bachelor's degree). I am thinking I will need to reward myself once this is done. Any ideas? I am leaning towards a cruise or beach vacation (IE:Caribbean or Hawaii) :).

Friday, August 6, 2010

Summer Fun!!

I had a fabulous day up in Baltimore today. Best of all I got to spend it with a great friend, Bobbi. We met in Biology class in college about 8 or 9 yrs ago, it does not feel like its been that long. And I got to meet baby Camden who has to be one of the happiest babies I have ever met. He's got the biggest blue eyes and is always smiling/laughing (sadly I didn't get a picture but next time for sure).
We headed up to the National Aquarium, which I am still not sure was worth the money it cost to go in but I am glad I went. We got to see the Dolphin show, which was well worth it. Made me decide that the next time I have the chance to swim with the dolphins I am going to do it. I have always wanted to but never had anyone that would go with me. I did get some pics but I cannot find my cord to hook up my camera to the computer so as soon as i find that I will upload some.

On another note...I have registered for my classes for the fall semester. I should be done with my associates by next May (come hell or high water I am going to finish by then). I only have 4 classes left (only 2 after this semester). Keep your fingers crossed that the tuition does not go up anymore.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Not much going on....

There isn't much going on right now. Just busy with work and getting ready to head back to school in a couple of weeks. I did just get back from a tent sale (car sale) down in VA Beach. It was very nice to get away for a few days even if I was working 13.5hr days. I did get to head to the beach on Friday evening, it was the perfect summer evening.
Tomorrow I am heading up to Baltimore, MD with a good friend Bobbi. We are headed to the Baltimore Aquarium and to Little Italy. I also get to see baby Camden for the first time, super excited. I should have some pics to post this weekend.
David is doing well, he is still busy (and will probably stay that way for a while)-he prefers to be busy, it makes his days go by faster. His deployment got pushed back a couple of weeks. Of course I am sad but unfortunately it is out of our control, that is the military for you. In the back of my mind I was expecting it to be delayed, so it wasn't a complete shock. I am glad they let them know now rather than a month or so out.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!!