Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweetie!!

So Monday is David's birthday, I baked some cookies, got some other snacks (he was complaining about the food), gum, drink packets and a couple of magazines and mailed them off to him. I hope the cookies are okay by the time he gets the package. His real birthday present will be here when he gets home. I am taking golf lessons and will be taking him to play golf at a local golf course, which is supposedly very nice.
Three months down and only about 3.5-4mos left. I feel bad that he is over in the "sandbox" right now, he said its only about 125 degrees right now but in another month or so it will get up to 140. But I guess its better to be there now instead of during the Holidays.

Its been a very busy month...after my birthday I left for Pensacola, FL. Well what was only supposed to be a week turned into a three week adventure. I was asked to stay for two weeks and to help train 5 of the 7 new loan officers that we hired (2 were on vacation). It was quite an experience. I am glad that I was able to do it though. Then last Saturday was my 10yr high school reunion. Its hard to believe that I have been out of high school for 10yrs already. Where does the time go?

I want to wish all of the fathers out there a very Happy Father's Day...especially my daddy and David.

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