Thursday, September 9, 2010


I volunteer with Soldiers' Angels, they are putting together a cookbook. It costs $10 and 100% of the proceeds go towards the organization. They are asking if we all can sell one book, I have already had 4-5 people say they would like one. It is still in the works and they are shooting for a Pre-Thanksgiving sale.
(They gave us a different sight but I think I may have copied it down wrong).

Friday, September 3, 2010

VA Beach from 7/2010

This was made out of Legos, it is a display in the museum gift shop.

Tuefel Hunden=Devil Dogs

The entrance to the USMC Museum

These are just a few of the pictures taken while at the USMC Museum. I have loaded all of them on to my facebook if you care to see the others (I took over 100 pictures while there)